Advancing Key Digital Skill Capabilities in the SME Sector
The DigiAdvance project aims to address digital skills gaps in the SME sector through the provision of low-cost, demand-driven, tailored training in key digital technologies for SME owners, managers and employees.
- Develop the skills and confidence of existing SME employees related to specific aspects of digital technologies in order to foster talent pipelines within enterprises.
- Provide opportunities for job seekers to upskill or re skill in specific aspects of digital technologies in order to enhance the talent pool for SME recruitment.
- Empower business leaders to drive innovation and investment in digital technologies by improving their understanding and their awareness of such technologies.
- Identify current and future trends and needs in the SME sector with respect to digital skills.
- Create opportunities for knowledge-transfer and networking across both European Higher Education Institutions and Industry.
Dublin City University
DCU is an Irish institution with significant experience in the design and delivery of high-quality online provision in Ireland with 30 years’ experience in distance education. DCU is dedicated to leading research and pedagogical practice in new blended, on-line and digital models of education. DCU has already made steady progress in establishing the supports, structures, and mechanisms required to respond to emerging challenges through the provision of ‘non-traditional’ and innovative educational offerings. They will lead the center of development of this proposal within DCU.
Mobile World Capital Barcelona
Fundació Mobile World Capital Foundation (MWCapital) is a public-private foundation, and the umbrella organization for Barcelona Digital Talent (BDT), established in 2012 in Barcelona. They aim to drive the mobile and digital transformation of society while helping improve people’s lives globally. The Board of Trustees of MWCapital is composed of the Spanish Government, the Government of Catalonia, the Barcelona City Hall, the GSMA (representing the interests of mobile networks operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with almost 300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem).
University of Aveiro
UAVR is a Portuguese institution that will lead the Work Package focusing on the Industry Needs Analysis. They have extensive experience in the field of training and collaboration with society. UAVR’s experience in delivering training is recognized, and they have collaborated with the Recovery and Resilience Program on a project dedicated to training adults aligned with the Regional Development strategy. They will contribute their expertise to optimize the overall impact of course offerings for SME sector participants.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
UAB is a Spanish institution bringing over 30 years of experience in teaching digital technologies. UAB has experience offering short courses in digital technologies for live-long learners and entrepreneurship experience with the UAB Emprèn programme. Additionally, UAB has a research park whose mission is to promote and enhance the technology and knowledge transfer activities of its members and encourage entrepreneurship through the creation of new businesses based on research. UAB will actively participate in all aspects of the work packages in line with their areas of expertise.
Inova-Ria is a non-profit organization in Aveiro, Portugal that aims to create and strengthen an Information & Communication Technologies and Electronics Cluster. They collaborate on the Aveiro Steam City project, addressing challenges related to the city’s capacity to attract and retain necessary talent for its economy to grow, rethinking the educational/qualification system responsiveness to labor market needs. They attract qualified human resources, suited to the needs of companies, and currently have a capital of acquired and recognized experience that has allowed them to organize 987 internships and scholarships to its associates.
The FinTech Corridor
The FinTech Corridor (TFC) is a cluster of FinTech companies, academic institutions, and development agencies along the Dublin to Belfast route. TFC promotes the region as a hub for FinTech and a gateway for companies looking to expand on the island of Ireland. The Fintech Academy (TFA) is a group of academic and business institutions, investment leaders, and indigenous industry leaders who work together to educate and encourage students and professionals transitioning into FinTech. TFC & TFA focus on promoting diversity and inclusion, identifying market gaps, developing skills and education, and offering leadership training and workshops for SME business leaders. They also participate in innovative events and recruit forward-thinking leaders and entrepreneurs along the corridor.